A true epic of more than 100 years carried out by 3 successive generations
From large-scale grain collection to pasta manufacturing, milling and grain trading, the story of Rose Blanche Group is a true epic spanning more than 100 years, carried out by 3 successive generations.
The Group, in its current structure and organization, has existed since 1984, the date of the merger of two century-old flour mills, “La Minoterie et Huilerie du Centre” with “La Minoterie Huilerie et Glacière du Sahel”. Its roots go back to the beginning of the last century (1904) when the late Mohamed Taieb Belkhiria, grain trader and grandfather of the current Chairman of the Group, Mr. Kamel Belkhiria, decided to develop large-scale cereal cultivation in order to meet the wheat needs of the first industrial flour mills which had just opened in the center of the country and, more specifically, in the Sahel region.